Gehen Sie erhalten es Trainings-Shirts. Unser Trainingsshirt aus 100 % Polyester ist leicht und kühl bei hartem Training und auch ideal für heiße Trainingstage, UV-Schutz 50+
Modisch mit unserem Mustergriffdesign und bequem, um alle Ihre Freunde zu beeindrucken, indem Sie die neueste Sportmarke tragen.
Anpassen für - Fragen Sie uns nach dem Hinzufügen Ihres Namens oder Ihres Vereinsnamens auf dem Shirt
für nur 10 $ mehr
Überprüfen Sie die Größentabelle: Wenn Sie eine eng anliegende Passform bevorzugen, wählen Sie eine Nummer kleiner und wenn Sie eine lockerere Passform wünschen, wählen Sie eine Nummer größer.
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Step by step Guide
Step by step Guide
Where to Start
No matter if you have lots of ideas or none at all, we're here to help you create your own unique design. We'll guide you through the process and won't print anything until you're completely happy with your creation. It you need just call me on 0405153187 I'm always good for a chat.
Step 1: Browse designs and colours you like, either from our collection or anything you find online. We can put almost any idea you have into a design.
Step 2: Send us an email at, and we'll send you a simple form to fill out along with the size chart.
Step 3: Return the form with all logos and images you want to use. We'll check the quality to ensure the best results. It's best to send images that are 2MB or larger for optimal quality.
Step 4: After reviewing your logos and images and looking over your form, it's time to commit. We require a $95 setup fee for the graphic designer. We'll work on the design until you are completely satisfied.
Step 5: Pay a deposit to get your first proof underway by clicking at the top of the page.
Step 6 There is no minimum order requirement once the design has been confirm as the final proof we will ask for the full payment up front and off to the printers we go.
The process from start to finish takes about 5 to 6 weeks.
Price Guide
Price Guide
No mimimum order
- 10 shirts: $60 each
- 20 shirts: $55 each
- 30 shirts: $50 each
- 40 shirts: $48 each
- 50 shirts: $45 each
- 100 shirts: $40 each
Plus postage to your location.
Some of our past work
Hi we love our tops and so does everyone who sees them, I actually have recommended you guys to 2 other local businesses who are in process of designing g there tops I think